Where can I go to download this extension?
Is there any official association between this extension and Pushover, LLC?
No, I just really liked the Pushover service and wanted some additional functionality in my browser so I wrote an extension.
Do I need an additional license to send messages from Chrome?
If you already have the Desktop license for Pushover then that is all you need. For additional information please checkout Pushover.net
Where are the messages stored when they are download from Pushover?
Everything is local to the browser and because of how it is stored it will not “roam” browsers if you are logged into different devices. You can easily setup different Device Names in the settings (ex. Extension_Home and Extension_Work).
How come images don’t come through the same way they do on the official mobile app?
There is no way to get them from the Pushover API so unless that feature is added there is nothing I can do about that.
I would like to recommend a feature or report an issue, how can I get in touch?
Send an email to [email protected]